The current state of things with the fast spread of COVID-19 puts everyone in a place of heightened anxiety and fear.
I’ve seen 3 negative reactions to this pandemic:
- Fear of getting sick or spreading it to someone in your life who is vulnerable
- Financial fear
- Depressed or low mood from the social isolation
In this video I discuss 5 things you can do to help manage the anxiety, fear and loneliness
- Focus on what you CAN control
- Find creative ways to virtually connect with people
- Keep a structured day, even if you are not working
- Limit you time watching the news
- Spend more time outside getting fresh air
Dr Marks my apologies i have not seen your video but I needed your advice I love your channel. It has helped me grow a lot. I was diagnosed with Depression and anxiety in Dec 2017 I was taking therapy as well as medication now I am Off medication and doing very well. CBT helped me a lot but I am not able to receive therapy anymore although my depression and anxiety do not disturb my life anymore. I used to play guitar and loved singing but Im still not able to continue it even though i want to.. but somehow i just do not feel like to. I wanted to pursue a career in Music but i just do not “feel” like to start. What will you suggest me to do?Thank you in Advance. Please Stay Safe and Take Care. Have a pleasant Day.(I am 21 years old Female)
Hi Mrunmayi. You could push through and take classes and hope that your interests catch up with your actions. You could immerse yourself in a music community and see if talking with people who share your interests helps your motivation. If you think your low motivation is because you’re getting depressed again, you should reach out to your doctor who treated you in 2017. Best wishes.
My 6 year old has parasomnias… I’ve watched a few of your videos now, you are a truly lovely person.
I feel so fortunate to have developed some resilience in my life and to be well and comfortably housed at this time.
Bless you and stay well also.
Hi Dr Tracey,
I have discovered your channel whilst looking for good information for my daughter whose partner is, unfortunately, having a psychotic breakdown triggered by pandemic related anxiety.
This page has beautifully described to me why I am – for the time being – doing ok. I have been doing the 5 things you list for quite some time and because I am ok I am able to support a number of others.
Reading your list is affirming for me but also does give me some trust in you as a person and I can see you have done a lot of dedicated work to help others.
I want you to know this is the impression I have gained in the past 30 minutes. I searched YouTube for content about bipolar and Olanzapine, read some comments below a video of yours and read the About section on your channel which led me here.
Time to watch the video!
Greetings from 4.40am on the South Coast of England UK.
Best wishes and thanks,
Clare Robison
Hi Clare boy you’re up early. Thanks so much for the compliments. I’m glad you found my channel and website. I hope the information is helpful. Stay well!