No doubt, motherhood is one of the most challenging and rewarding jobs around.When you’re a mom, you tend to neglect yourself because you allow your domestic duties to take precedence over personal care. Both working moms and stay-at-home moms go through the same stressful situations actually. Whichever type of mom you are, know that you can cope with stress.
The Tips
Establish a routine for dealing with your kids. The scheduling will greatly benefit the entire household. Sticking to a routine eases your experience in making meals, monitoring naps and setting bed times. If you fail to establish one, you will quickly become disoriented, overwhelmed and stressed out. Kids can get unpredictable at times. However, the simplest routine can create a semblance of predictability into your life and can help preserve your sanity as you manage your household.
Take breaks. A lot of moms just push themselves to their limit when they should be taking a time out. Your frequent exposure to stressful experiences entitles you to many breaks. Your kids even take breaks, and so should you! When you are in the verge of losing your cool, rush to a room and pace your breathing. Imagine how you wish to react, and then temper your thoughts with one reminder: You should model good behavior for your kids. Your short time outs can spare your entire family’s mood and day!
Mind your diet. Eighty-five out of 100 moms don’t seem to mind their diets anymore. You just tend to eat whatever food you can grab at random times of the day. Although you’re always on the go, make healthy dieting a priority. You need the nourishment to help you cope with stress and match your kids’ energy levels.
Team up with other moms. A support group composed of moms like you is great. True, you cannot afford to meet everyday, but you’ll rest easier knowing that there are people you can count on when you need empathy, comfort and some attention. All moms get stressed, so choose carefully who gets to be part of your support group. Invite only those who are truly into the idea of moms mutually supporting each other.
Enjoy your personal time. With tons of roles to fill and tasks to accomplish, you sometimes fail to give yourself some credit. You should definitely set aside time for yourself on a daily basis. Occasionally get some help with the household chores. While your kids are sleeping or attending school, read a few chapters of your favorite novel. Get a manicure or a pedicure. Treat yourself to a cup of tea, a body massage or a long bath. You need not spend money to enjoy your personal time. Just make sure your “me” time is included in your regular scheduling. Fifteen minutes of the day to yourself can work wonders for you!
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