Your intestines has about 39 trillion microorganisms in it. And yes I said trillion. We call this collection of organisms the microbiome and it consists of mostly bacteria, but also viruses and fungi. Collectively it weighs about 3 pounds which is about the same weight as your brain.
We feed these organisms and they produce chemicals that we need. They send messages to the brain through the vagus nerve.
Several factors determine whether or not your have good vs. bad bacteria:
- Diet and medications. Diets high in processed foods, sugar, red meat and fast food promote the bad bacteria. Lots of medications and not just antibiotics can change the population of your gut.
- Your age. As you get older, your bacteria population becomes less diverse
- Your sleep. Bacteria are sensitive to circadian rhythm changes, so poor sleep promotes bad bacteria and an increases inflammation
- Activity level. Aerobic activity improves the diversity of your microbiome
For more details, download the guide here

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I came across 1 of your videos during a search for answers to my struggle between eating better for my health and feeling sad and angry. Boy did I have that Ah Ha lightbulb moment! I now realize the connection (which makes so much sense now!) I am now approaching dietary changes with a change in mindset; understanding the connection between the two. Thank you!
Hello, I’ve veen going through your videos on youtube and find them extremely helpful. I’m searching for one video where you showed a chart that categorized emotions. I think I remember somethong about feeling overwhelmed when not having enough resources or knowledge to deal the situation. Can you please help me find that chart and video again. I hope I’ve given enough info for you to hopefully help me find that chart and video again.
Hi, thank you for this info, but I need to know how can I change my diet on a budget in the Caribbean. – thanks
Hi Reese. Try Suzy at The Mediterranean Dish. She has weekly menus. You can see what works for your budget. She also has a youtube channel.
How often should I consume Kombucha tea
Sadly mental health has historically been underfunded in the NHS. Children’s services were inaccessible before covid & at breaking point now. While I am by no means saying you can replace decent mental health care with YouTube & downloaded worksheets, as the desperate mum of a struggling kid, I am so grateful for your resources! I am learning so much & using it with my son & daughter. Please keep it coming as we are really behind in the UK on all this learning. It took me 10 years of fighting the system to get diagnoses of autism & adhd for my kids. There is a pervasive culture of masking of mental health issues – it’s much more socially acceptable to drink too much. Thanks you for shining a light on these topics.
Dear Dr, in your e-book telling that gut need Polyphenols and to get it from coffee and tea, is it permissable to drink caffeine if we have gut problen such as gerd and acid reflux?
Will you please list some good Probiotics pills/capsules to purchase for my overall health?
I just subscribed to your email list and will be tuned in to your content. Thanks in advance.
Hi Shamika.Thanks for subscribing. I compiled a list of products that have been tested by ConsumerLabs. You can see the list by clicking the link below and find all of them on Amazon. Some are for general gut health and some are better for certain conditions like IBS, traveler’s diarrhea, gas, etc.
I just subscribed to your YouTube channel! I love it. Thank you for all that you do.
You’re so welcome Mignon. Thanks for subscribing!
Thank you Dr. Marks for explaining this in such easy to understand language.
You’re so welcome Kelly!
Your intestines…… has?
Wow dr Tracey, you are awesome!. I am from Ecuador, a little country in South America, where this kind of information it is still irrelevant for de majority of doctors. My boyfriend has treatment-resistant depression, he went to many psquiatrists and no one help him completely, indeed he went to ECT and was not able to conclude the treatment because of a dorsal hernia triggered by the ECT sessions. No one reccomend, excersise, sleep well, eat really healthy, and many other options that can help. In despite that psycotherapy is reccommend in de DMS – 5 the doctors never adviced us. I thank to God for know english and find this kind of information. We do not lose hope, it is hard some days, but since our aproach is holistic, we have forward slowly, but in the middle of this disease, each step is a battle won. I hope we can find a real dr like you in our contry!. Thanks a lot for all this good information 🙂 God Bless you and your family!
You’re welcome Noemi. I’m so glad you found my channel. I have started adding subtitles in several languages, including Spanish and Portuguese. I hope that helps more people you know. Take care and God Bless you too!?
Thank you doctor to joining your group.
I.m diturie lala,from Tirane Albania.i.m psichlogy field, consulting,and children psychology, school psychologist.
You’re welcome Diturie. Glad to have you!
You’re welcome. Thanks for watching.