Stress limits us in so many ways. It throws our bodies into fight-or-flight mode, raising our heart rates and escalating our emotions. It prevents us from making rational decisions and responding to the people we love (or have to work with) calmly and in the manner we ourselves want to be spoken to. And, frankly, […]
5 Tips for Destressing Your Life
Stress. This one word conjures up visions of tense neck muscles, throbbing headaches, and sleepless nights flip flopping from one side of the bed to the other, all night long. Add short tempers, frustration, and a dose of depression and you have a potent cocktail guaranteed to negatively impact your life. Causes of Stress The […]
Got the Rainy Day Blues? Stop Checking Facebook!
April showers can give you the blues; but if you recently checked your Facebook page, your foul mood might not be weather related. Emotional spillover from social media interactions can have a surprisingly strong influence on your emotions. Checking your Facebook updates or wall posts first thing in the morning can color the rest of […]
How To Deal With Undeserved Criticism
Unjustified criticism may seem unfair, but the way you respond can turn it into a constructive experience. Try these suggestions for dealing with undeserved, negative feedback in the workplace and other settings. Dealing With Unwarranted Criticism In General 1. Seek the truth. Even the most farfetched accusations may contain a grain of truth. • For […]
How to Handle the Tough Times
Experiencing challenging phases in life can really test your mental fortitude. When you encounter those bumps in the road, how do you react? Are you able to deal effectively with these challenges without going to pieces? Could you use some help in finding your inner strength? Here are some suggestions to help you tap in […]
7 Ways to Cope With a Break Up
Regardless of where you live, your social status, or your occupation, if you’re a human being you’re likely either involved in a close relationship or hoping to get into or out of one. The human condition is such that we strive to develop a close emotional connection. You’ll probably experience times when you’re with someone […]