Have you noticed yourself becoming more reactive to stress lately? Maybe you’re finding it harder to concentrate or bounce back from challenges. These changes aren’t just in your head – chronic stress is actually rewiring your brain. While short-term stress can be beneficial – sharpening focus and boosting energy through the release of adrenaline and […]
The Hidden Impact of Air Pollution on Your Mental Health
Air pollution harms more than your lungs. Learn how it impacts your mental health and how to protect yourself.
Can a Little Bit of Stress Actually be Good for You?
For many of you, stress is a four-letter word. It’s become a catch-all term that encompasses family responsibilities, work pressures and other obligations of life. You blame it for everything from unhealthy eating patterns to sleepless nights spent tossing and turning. It’s no wonder that companies make millions when they slap the magical promise of […]
Dealing with Empty Nest Depression
The giggles you’re used to hearing everyday are gone, the ten thousand questions are now set to zero, and driving to after school activities is a thing of the past. And the list goes on, and on leaving you with an overwhelming feeling of emptiness. These are just a few of the situations that accompany […]
5 Tips for Destressing Your Life
Stress. This one word conjures up visions of tense neck muscles, throbbing headaches, and sleepless nights flip flopping from one side of the bed to the other, all night long. Add short tempers, frustration, and a dose of depression and you have a potent cocktail guaranteed to negatively impact your life. Causes of Stress The […]
Depression During Pregnancy May Warrant Medication
Ground-breaking new guidelines issued by two national physician groups state that while talk therapy alone is considered the best treatment for pregnant women who suffer from depression, in severe cases use of medication is warranted despite potential risk to the developing fetus. Nearly one in four U.S. women experience episodes of depression during pregnancy, 13% […]