A new drug called Vyvanse was recently approved for use in adults. It was approved in February 2007 for children 6-12. Why is this significant? Vyvanse is a “prodrug” meaning it’s the precursor to the stimulant dextroamphetamine (Adderall, Dexedrine). As a prodrug, it has to be metabolized by the digestive system to become active. This […]
Mother’s Depression May Produce Child’s ADHD
A study out of the University of Manitoba conducted by Ann Guevremont MEd. and Marni Bromwell PhD. concluded that depression in a woman occurring at anytime between one year before and nine years after birth is a risk factor for the child later developing ADHD. They also found the chances of the child developing ADHD […]
Ritalin Helps Drivers with ADHD
Dr. Joris C. Verster at University of Utrecht in the Netherlands conducted a study and discovered that Ritalin significantly improved the driving skills of patients with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). They used a pool of 18 people ages 21-30 and compared their driving skills on and off of their medication. Off medication, they were […]
Adult ADHD Leads to More Divorces?
I saw an advertisement in one of the psychiatry news journals with the capture line “Broken Promises.” It was an advertisement for ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) medication. The ad went on to state “Adults with ADHD were nearly 2x more likely to have been divorced.” That got my attention. Of course, I wanted to […]