Here is a tip to better communicate with the person who has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Even if you don’t know if the person you’re speaking with has ADHD, this can still help you keep people’s attention. The tip is to start with the point, then explain or give more details afterward. You may […]
How ADHD makes you feel about yourself
This video is based on Schema Therapy. Schema is a framework for how you see yourself. This framework is built by your early life experiences, but it also adjusts over time as you have new experiences. There are 18 schemas or core beliefs that have been identified, but this video covers 3 that have been […]
ADHD: Not Just for Kids
Attention deficit disorder (ADD) and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) aren’t just childhood problems. Many adults also struggle with attention deficit disorders even though they weren’t formally diagnosed as children. The same excessive inattentiveness, impulsiveness and hyperactivity that characterize ADD/ADHD in children are symptomatic of the condition in adults, although symptoms may present differently. The constant […]
Fidgeting Helps ADHD Students Succeed
Children seem to be in constant motion. Parents are forever admonishing their children to sit still. But for children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) the constant fidgeting isn’t in their parents’ imagination. Even when other children are able to remain focused and quiet, children with ADHD are compelled to fidget and twitch and squirm. Parents […]
More Sleep Can Improve ADHD Symptoms
A common behavior disorder that affects 8% to 10% of U.S. school-aged children, ADHD – attention deficit hyperactivity disorder — has been linked to children’s failure to get enough sleep. In a new study (see our April 29 post), researchers at the University of Helsinki in Finland found that children who typically received less than […]
ADHD Linked to Lack of Sleep in Kids
Lack of sleep in children increases their risk of developing attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), according to new research published in the April 27, 2009 online edition of Pediatrics. In a study of 7- and 8-year-olds conducted by researchers at the University of Helsinki in Finland, children who received less than 7.7 hours of sleep […]