Does chocolate cure stress? Recent research suggests this is so. The antioxidants in dark chocolate help reduce stress as well as help fight disease. Here are some recommendations as to how much chocolate one should eat to reduce stress. Of course, if you eat chocolate to reduce stress, you’ll need to make adjustments in your […]
Pull this Weed and Reduce Your Stress
This stress inducer creates chaos in your sleep and raises your stress level. Most people have it and don’t realize the stressful effect.
The Stress Solutions Movie
Here are some ways to reflect and regroup. Decompress your mind and body with these helpful tips.
Stress and Your Hair
Stress and Your Hair from Tracey Marks on Vimeo. See what work overload can do to your appearance.
How to Increase Your Energy Naturally
It’s difficult to stay energized throughout the day. When so much is expected of you, it’s no wonder that you may be seeking various methods to keep yourself pumped up. You might start with an innocent cup of coffee, only to realize that down the road you need several cups to get you going and […]
Sleep Trumps Sex
So I’m willing to watch another show other than the Today Show, especially if they are talking about things that interests me. The CBS Early Show had a segment on how many people are too tired to have sex. If you’ve been following my posts, you know I’ve been on the sleep soap box for […]