This video is based on a viewer question from Rena. It’s a long question that I’ve shortened. Here’s the gist: Rena feels she can’t do the things she used to do because of her bipolar illness. Essentially, she feels held back because she fears going hard the way she usually does will trigger a manic […]
How ADHD makes you feel about yourself
This video is based on Schema Therapy. Schema is a framework for how you see yourself. This framework is built by your early life experiences, but it also adjusts over time as you have new experiences. There are 18 schemas or core beliefs that have been identified, but this video covers 3 that have been […]
Understanding Histrionic Personality
Histrionic personality disorder falls into the cluster B grouping of personality disorders. Cluster B refers to the group of personality disorders that share the characteristics of being dramatic, emotional or erratic. And the personality disorders that fit in this group are antisocial, borderline, histrionic and narcissistic. Typically people don’t fit neatly into one personality disorder. […]
Overcome Your Nightmares
How To Overcome Your Nightmares – Rescript Them Anyone can have nightmares for any reason. But some things that can cause nightmares are anxiety, depression, medications, pain and even eating too soon before you go to bed. Nightmares are common in people who have had a traumatic experience. In these cases, the nightmares tend to […]
How Stress Affects Your Brain
In this video I discuss why healthy food helps your brain. It has to do with oxidative stress. Oxidative stress occurs when you get free radical formation that causes tissue damage.
How To Challenge Self Defeating Thoughts
This is a follow up to a previous video on identifying your self-defeating thoughts. You can watch that video here: Challenging your thoughts is called cognitive restructuring and is a technique used in cognitive behavior therapy. You can do this on your own, but of course it works better when you have a therapist guiding […]