This article was orginally written for The Bedtime Network. College is a time of freedom, exploration and learning to become an independent adult. For those who attend college away from home, you are now master of your own decisions. You get to decide what you are going to do and when Most students soon realize […]
Ramp Up the Romance in Your Relationship
Has the daily grind of work and responsibilities killed the passion in your relationship? It doesn’t have to mean you’ve fallen out of love, but simply that you’ve fallen into comfortable lack luster routine. Why should that matter? Well think about how much it mattered when you were courting. Now that you tied to one […]
Folate Supplementation and Depression
We have known for years that folate, a B vitamin is required for cell growth and brain function. But more recently we have seen the role that folate plays in the production of serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine – the mood chemicals. We consume folate naturally by eating green leafy vegetable and other foods, then the […]
How To Deal With Undeserved Criticism
Unjustified criticism may seem unfair, but the way you respond can turn it into a constructive experience. Try these suggestions for dealing with undeserved, negative feedback in the workplace and other settings. Dealing With Unwarranted Criticism In General 1. Seek the truth. Even the most farfetched accusations may contain a grain of truth. • For […]
How to Handle the Tough Times
Experiencing challenging phases in life can really test your mental fortitude. When you encounter those bumps in the road, how do you react? Are you able to deal effectively with these challenges without going to pieces? Could you use some help in finding your inner strength? Here are some suggestions to help you tap in […]
How to Get Impulse Eating Under Control
Even if you stick to your diet most of the time, impulse eating can interfere with reaching your weight loss goals. Try these simple techniques at home and when you’re dining out to help you outsmart common obstacles. What to do at home 1. Keep a journal. Studies show that there may be just a […]