April is the the financial accountability month. The IRS requires you to pony up. Aside from that, it’s also Stress Awareness Month. As you prepare you taxes, take a personal inventory of your life stresses. Start with your physical health. Are you getting your necessary annual check ups and tests like mammogram, teeth cleanings, colonoscopy, […]
Is Work Stress Killing You?
Work stress is a problem for nearly two-thirds of American workers, but women seem to feel stress more intensely than men. Women consistently reported higher levels of stress, anxiety, frustration and tension at work than men, according to a recent national survey by the American Psychological Association. Inequities between the sexes continue to plague working […]
5 Ways Working Moms Can Get the Best Sleep Ever
Sleep. Such a simple word. Unfortunately, if you’re a working mom, that word might not have much meaning for you these days. Odds are that you’re getting not only less sleep but lesser quality sleep than your better half. This lack of rest at night has effects that spill over to the day, making it […]
Could Discovery of Sleep Switch End Sleepless Nights?
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could flip a switch when you climbed into bed at night and instantly fall asleep? No more tossing and turning over that nasty problem at the office or the credit card bill that came in the mail or your child’s less than stellar report card. Flick a switch and […]
Unplug Your Smartphone for a Good Night’s Sleep
Smartphones make our lives undeniably more convenient, but their addictive pull can also interfere with our body’s circadian rhythm and prevent us from getting a good night’s sleep. When you’re plugged in, you are constantly available to family, friends and work colleagues. There is no down time. Even when you are not actually checking your […]
Are You Making Yourself Addicted to Stress?
As deadlines loom, do you rely on a stress-fueled adrenaline rush to sharpen your wits and give you the burst of energy you need to complete the project? If this has become your modus operandi, you could be addicted to stress, relying on your body’s chemical response to stress to push productivity. Stress is a […]