The giggles you’re used to hearing everyday are gone, the ten thousand questions are now set to zero, and driving to after school activities is a thing of the past. And the list goes on, and on leaving you with an overwhelming feeling of emptiness. These are just a few of the situations that accompany […]
May Personal Finance Calendar
May is the end of the school year and the middle of the spring season. Do you have your vacation plans set? Here is your personal finance calendar for May to help with your organization. Click image to download.
How to Stop Feeling Overwhelmed and Regain Control of Your Life
“This is how it feels to live my life: scattered, fragmented and exhausting. I am always doing more than one thing at a time and feel I never do any one particularly well. I am always behind and always late, with one more thing and one more thing and one more thing to do before […]
5 Tips for Destressing Your Life
Stress. This one word conjures up visions of tense neck muscles, throbbing headaches, and sleepless nights flip flopping from one side of the bed to the other, all night long. Add short tempers, frustration, and a dose of depression and you have a potent cocktail guaranteed to negatively impact your life. Causes of Stress The […]
Got the Rainy Day Blues? Stop Checking Facebook!
April showers can give you the blues; but if you recently checked your Facebook page, your foul mood might not be weather related. Emotional spillover from social media interactions can have a surprisingly strong influence on your emotions. Checking your Facebook updates or wall posts first thing in the morning can color the rest of […]
Balancing Work and Family Life
“I’m stressed,” “I feel anxious,” “I’m depressed,” “I’m burned out,” and “I’m overwhelmed” are all catch phrases we hear every day. Unfortunately, these phrases carry a lot of weight and cover a lot of territory when it comes to negative emotions. Are You a Juggler? On our résumé of life, the most important experience we […]