Unfortunately, there are many medications that can interfere with your ability to sleep. It may be that your insomnia is nothing more than an unwanted side effect from a medication that you’re taking to help you with a separate problem. But because there are so many factors that affect sleep, it’s important to rule […]
How To Relax Without Food or Alcohol
Happy hours can be a great way to unwind and relax your mind after a stressful day at work. You bond with your coworkers, talk about your day, and listen to some upbeat music. On the other hand, if you make such activities a regular routine, you could be taking in more alcohol and empty […]
I support the ventures of my friends and family
Building strong character means listening to the constructive cues from people around me. Their feedback is coming from a good place. I appreciate the support that I get from others. I return the love with unwavering support for all of their ventures. When my brother embarks upon a new entrepreneurial exploit, I listen to the […]
My Imagination is an Asset
I generate new ideas. I reflect on what I have learned so far and where I want to grow. I observe what is going on around me and strike up interesting conversations. I look for connections between seemingly isolated events. I figure out solutions. I brainstorm about how to overcome challenges. If I test enough […]
Relax Your Body and Mind with Proper Breath
Stress limits us in so many ways. It throws our bodies into fight-or-flight mode, raising our heart rates and escalating our emotions. It prevents us from making rational decisions and responding to the people we love (or have to work with) calmly and in the manner we ourselves want to be spoken to. And, frankly, […]
Can a Little Bit of Stress Actually be Good for You?
For many of you, stress is a four-letter word. It’s become a catch-all term that encompasses family responsibilities, work pressures and other obligations of life. You blame it for everything from unhealthy eating patterns to sleepless nights spent tossing and turning. It’s no wonder that companies make millions when they slap the magical promise of […]